DCentric quoted incorrect information. DCentric, like Hulk, speak in third-person.
Even though 99% of you refuse to comment (kidding!), I know that DCentric has the BEST readers a new-ish blog could ask for– I can tell by your emails, which are often poignant, eloquent and very helpful. I welcome your suggestions and corrections and am grateful to learn all I can from you. For example, one of you wrote to me about my Petworth Safeway post, from earlier today:
Hey Anna,
FYI the Georgetown “Social Safeway” is 71,000 square feet, according to a spokesperson. That means the 60,000 square-foot Petworth Safeway (if this is the size it will be as Prince of Petworth reported) will not be the biggest Safeway in the city (Prince of Petworth made this claim.)…Just thought you might like to know because that knowledge does make the enlargement of the Petworth Safeway a little less symbolic.
To reiterate, I did not make the claim that this Safeway would be the city’s largest– that information was in the text I quoted from Prince of Petworth; having said that, I know I am responsible for what I quote or direct you to and I am sorry for the error. I called Safeway to clarify this– and ask a few questions of my own, since I’m extra-interested in grocery stores, food deserts and nutrition. I haven’t heard back yet, but I’ll update you all when I do. Thanks to dedicated DCentric reader Teke Wiggin for the gentle correction. I appreciate it!