Public School Menus Now Online

What's for Lunch, on the first.

D.C. public school menus are available for download here.

At first, I thought this was nifty; then I realized that there are a lot of people who may not be able to access such useful information. I am not sure that my Mother would know how to wrangle PDF files; I am sure that there are other Parents or caretakers who lack robust internet access at home and machines with which to use it.

I don’t know that Smartphones would be well-suited for this purpose, either:

Mistique Cano, vice president of communications for the national Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, said smartphones “aren’t an equalizer as much as they’re a stop-gap. Many African-Americans still don’t have access to affordable broadband. Even though mobile technology gets better every day, there are still many things you can’t yet do on a phone.”

On a positive note, it’s lovely to see a Vegetarian option available. That certainly wasn’t the case when I was in school, and I was told to pick the pepperoni slices off my pizza if I wanted Veggie food. Go DC!