Tasty Morning Bytes – Living Wages, Gray Salary Mistakes and Tragedy as Payback

Good morning, DCentric readers! Welcome to your Wednesday links:

Councilman pushing for ‘living wage’ from big retailers “A bill introduced Tuesday by at-large Councilman Phil Mendelson would require companies with more than 75,000 square feet of retail space and at least $1 billion in annual revenues to pay their workers in the District a “living wage” and benefits…The bill defines a “living wage” as $11.75…” (Washington Examiner )

DC Mayor To Cut Salaries; May Let Chief Of Staff Go Major changes at City Hall: “DC Mayor Vincent Gray tells 9NEWS NOW mistakes were made, so he is reducing the salaries of some staff members, including his chief of staff, the health director, health care finance director, and district attorney.” (WUSA Washington, DC)

Brown had six run-ins with law enforcement before landing D.C. job Can’t say they didn’t know! “The administration knew of the three D.C. charges – in addition to a protective order and one conviction in the District for unlawful entry – before offering Brown the job as an analyst at the Department of Health Care Finance.” (The Washington Post)

Police pursue leads in killing of Bethesda clerk, assault of another “It stunned the hell out of us,” Judy Infante, a 50-year Bethesda resident, said outside the Bethesda Row shopping center where the crime occurred. “I would feel safe at 10 o’clock at night down here. It’s tragic.” (Washington Times)

THE 3-MINUTE INTERVIEW: Veronica O. Davis (Blogger from Southeast) “Transportation is something that needs to be focused on. Especially with these gas prices going up, we keep talking about how [Metro] has a budget gap. Well, a lot of us as residents have budget gaps. We can talk about jobs but can the people get to the jobs?” (Washington Examiner )

Some people think Japan’s earthquake and tsunami are payback for Pearl Harbor? Really? This isn’t “DCentric”, but I think it’s important, so here’s a bonus link: “I’m most disturbed by the range of people spouting this garbage: Looking at their Facebook profile pictures I see young and old, white, black, Hispanic faces (no Asians, thankfully) and both men and women.” (nikkeiview.com)