Tasty Morning Bytes – Fab Five Foul, The Metro Lottery and A Class War

Good morning, DCentric readers! Do you know what time it is? It’s time for links!

Grant Hill’s Response to Jalen Rose Yesterday, this controversy was all D.C. could talk about online, as it dominated Twitter’s “Trending Topics”-list. From Grant Hill: “To hint that those who grew up in a household with a mother and father are somehow less black than those who did not is beyond ridiculous.” (thequad.blogs.nytimes.com)

Absurdity of Metro Bag Screening Budget crisis? Solved! “If WMATA believes this method will catch a terrorist, it should start diverting five dollars a week to the lottery to fix its budget shortfall: it has roughly the same chance of success and doesn’t involve the pesky Fourth Amendment.” (blanksslate.blogspot.com)

DMV Ticket Database Says DPW Vehicles Owe Nearly 30K In Fines Pot? Kettle! “Vehicles registered to the city’s Department of Public Works, the agency in charge of writing parking tickets, have racked up nearly $30,000 in outstanding parking fines and fees…” (wamu.org)

The Must See Chart (This Is What Class War Looks Like) “This chart puts the class war in simple, visual terms. On the left you have the “shared sacrifices” and “painful cuts”…On the right, you can plainly see WHY these cuts are “necessary.” The reason? Because we already gave away all that money to America’s wealthiest individuals and corporations.” (Daily Kos)

Poverty in Early Childhood Has Long and Harmful Reach “Even as federal and state policymakers consider cutting back programs that boost the incomes of working-poor families, two researchers report evidence that poverty among young children not only slows them in school but also shrinks their earnings as adults.” (offthechartsblog.org)