Social Media
Tweet of the Day, 02.02
Tweet of the Day, 02.01
It’s “Tweet of the Day”-time, but we are doing something different tonight. This picture was sent to me via Twitter, so it still counts, but instead of embedding the tweet it arrived in, I’m going to post this image. It feels right, considering what is happening now:
Tweet of the Day, 01.31
All Atwitter About the Mayor
All of this was on my mind this when I stumbled upon Aaron Morrissey’s post on DCist, “The Twitter Gap“, an hour ago. Morrissey is the editor-in-chief of the site; in his piece, he cautions people to remember that there are definitely people who aren’t as Twitter-savvy as the typical DCist lurker or commenter, which is a great thing to keep in mind. Morrissey concludes his post by saying:
The confusion, of course, is no one’s fault but Gray’s. The new Mayor, who utilized Twitter somewhat capably during his campaign for office last year, has so far been silent, despite repeated promises that his administration would offer enhanced transparency. There’s but one way that Gray could battle this kind of public confusion — that’s to start up a Twitter account of his own and get tweeting.
I can understand the disappointment behind this suggestion; the Mayor proved that he’s aware of Twitter during his campaign, so he can’t plead ignorance or say he’s unsure of how to use it. Social media IS an effective way to facilitate transparency. And in a city which is still majority “chocolate”, it would be wonderfully savvy to utilize a service like Twitter, which is extra popular with African-Americans (especially young ones).
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Tweet of the Day, 01.27
Hell hath no hilarity like a DCPS parent, scorned:
Tweet of the Day, 01.26
Tweet of the Day, 01.25
Wiki defines “hashtag” as “A tag embedded in a message posted on the Twitter microblogging service, consisting of a word…prefixed with a hash sign”. In this case, “#sotu” was a way to classify tweets about last night’s State of the Union address.
Tweet of the Day, 01.24
An Update on Latisha Frazier: Murdered, not Missing

While Frazier's family searched for her, someone used Facebook to anonymously taunt and threaten them.
Last week, I included a story in my morning roundup about Latisha Frazier, a 19-year old woman who has been missing since August; Frazier’s family became worried when she disappeared, because the teen mother was devoted to her three-year old daughter, Diamond. A missing person is tragic enough, but Frazier’s family suffered even more when they were harassed with anonymous threats and taunts via Facebook. Once alerted to this unfortunate use of their site, Facebook removed the account and cooperated with MPD, which resulted in a breakthrough in the investigation; after seeing Frazier’s story on ABC7 news, someone contacted the MPD with information about the case, and yesterday, Frazier’s family learned that
“probable cause was established that on August 2, 2010, Latisha Frazier was at the 1700 block of Trenton Place SE, where she was assaulted during a dispute and was ultimately murdered.”
Brian Gaither, 23, of Southeast was arrested and has been charged with Murder Two and is scheduled to be arraigned Monday, police said.
At this time, Frazier’s remains have not been located.