Andrew Bossi
A meter on U Street NW
How apposite, to discuss parking on Car Free Day. Here’s TBD on Jack Evans’ quest for parking meter “sanity”, or, lower meter rates:
Evans, the influential chairman of the Council’s Finance & Revenue Committee, tells TBD, “People are angry about the meters. … I’m going to introduce legislation at our next meeting that brings us all back to sanity.”
Currently, motorists pay two dollars an hour to park in “premium demand zones” such as Adams Morgan, Georgetown, the U Street corridor, along Wisconsin Avenue, and in the downtown commercial core.
There’s a lot of discussion about Evans’ proposal on Twitter; TBD rounded up a collection of opinions stated in 140-character-or-less. The reactions are predictable: phrases like “supply and demand”, “discourage driving” and “cheaper than garages”. A few others mention that it would be easier to pay $0.25 for 7.5 minutes of parking if there were other ways to pay that fee. Continue reading