Tasty Morning Bytes – Room at the Inn, Another Metro Brawl and More Mayoral Scandal

Good morning, DCentric readers! Do you feel sunnier after losing an hour yesterday? We do!

City Officials Find Solution To Homeless Crisis: The Comfort Inn Families in limbo because there aren’t enough case workers: “It turns out city administrators have come up with an expensive solution to D.C. General’s limited space: The city has spent tens of thousands of dollars putting homeless families up at the refurbished Comfort Inn on New York Avenue.” (Washington City Paper)

Five arrested, man attacked while breaking up fight on Metro No good deed… “…a member of the Guardian Angels, said he was attempting to break up a fight between a white woman and a black teen when two other youths and two men intervened and all five began assaulting him.” (Washington Examiner )

In D.C. campaign scandal, key tests are physical evidence, Gray aides’ interviews Ouch! “Cynics in the newsroom said Gray must have set some kind of speed record by taking less than 10 weeks to get from his inauguration to a scandal involving the FBI.” (The Washington Post)

Stumbles by Gray disillusion many in D.C. “Terry Lynch, executive director of the Downtown Cluster of Congregations, said Mr. Gray has given credence to the narrative advanced by Mr. Fenty during the election: namely, that Mr. Gray would take the city back to the era of dysfunction that ushered in the D.C. financial control board.” (Washington Times)

Report: Sulaimon Brown Had Been Tried For Attempted Murder Talk about a “second-chance”: “investigators report former mayoral candidate and fired city employee Sulaimon Brown was once tried for attempted murder while living in Chicago. The same confidential report says Brown was charged with assault in Essex County, New Jersey.” (WUSA Washington, DC)