Tasty Morning Bytes – Grad School in SW, From Georgetown to Homeless, More Metro Violence

Good morning DCentric readers! Grab your umbrella, it’s going to be a puddle-filled Thursday.

The Graduate School to expand with new campus on D.C.’s Southwest waterfront Former USDA-affiliate’s move may help locals: “The school also plans to open the doors of its new educational center to other colleges, universities and nonprofit groups offering programs that would help D.C. residents acquire skills needed to compete for local jobs.” (The Washington Post)

From Well-Paid Principal To Homeless VIDEO: Former principal of Georgetown charter school lost everything after an accident. She isn’t needy enough to qualify for help, so she has been homeless since August. “Of the roughly 6,500 homeless people who live in the District, few have a more unsettling story than Carol Dostert.” (NBC Washington)

Man and Teen Fight at Glenmont Metro A day after the stabbing at Gallery Place: “Authorities notified the teenager’s parents of the fight, Gates said. The man was seen leaving the scene on foot, and police were trying to find him, officials said.” (voices.washingtonpost.com)

D.C. cops gobbled up stolen goods, authorities say Cops asked thieves for iPads and iPods instead of turning them in: “Instead of reporting the discovery of a criminal operation that sold stolen electronics, District police officers in uniform greedily ordered iPads, gold jewelry and flat-screen televisions for themselves…” (Washington Examiner )

Gray’s pick for D.C. schools chancellor upsets teachers union “The Washington Teachers Union, whose members backed Mr. Gray’s mayoral campaign, is not happy with the choice for several reasons. Chief among them is the fact that no national search was conducted — a possible breach of the D.C. law that established the chancellor post.” (Washington Times)

Fired DC Employee Sulaimon Brown Talks To Feds Brown alleges that Gray offered jobs for political favors: “Meanwhile, as this investigation continues, Mayor Gray has lawyered up with a legal heavy height, attorney Robert S. Bennett. The same attorney represented President Bill Clinton during the Monica Lewinsky scandal.” (WUSA Washington, DC)