“What we need is more condos”

This message was scrawled on a wall in Tenleytown. A literal request to fill the D.C.-condo demand, or a sarcastic slight at gentrification?

  • http://pulse.yahoo.com/_QNSS63WTR7MGPIMEGMCCY4YCG4 Mike Smith

    Why is that even a question?

  • O’Trooll

    Black people don’t live in condo’s? I get so tired of these racial generalizations. How horrible it is that all these people (black and white middle class)  are moving in that are supporting the local community with their money!

  • http://pulse.yahoo.com/_6GIPJHGPLNF543AY3QLWRV7DRQ crzytwnman

    What the heck does that mean, Mike?  White people live in condos, too.