“Interracial Fix for Black Marriage”

The Wall Street Journal weighs in on the romantic “plight” of black women by exploring discomfort with interracial dating. Some women cite a desire to support black men instead of giving up on them by dating outside their race. Others worry about whether an interracial relationship would work. The article highlights a few local women:

They worry about rejection by a would-be spouse’s family or the awkwardness of having to explain oneself to a non-black partner.

As one 31-year-old schoolteacher in D.C. told me, “It’s easy to date a black man because he knows about my hair. He knows I don’t wash it every day. He knows I’m going to put the scarf on [to keep it in place at night].” Discussions about hair may seem trivial, but for many black women, just the thought of having the “hair talk” makes them tired. It’s emblematic of so much else they’d have to teach.
