Hipster Cop Patrolling Occupy Wall Street

We’ve discussed whether the Occupy protests are racially representative and efforts to address racial diversity. But, we must ask on more lighthearted note, where are the hipsters? Word is out there’s an officer dubbed “Hipster Cop” patrolling Occupy Wall Street, and The New York Times recently a chat with him. Has anyone seen a similar character down at Occupy DC?

Hipster Cop is not an ordinary police officer: He stands out from the uniformed crowd because he wears skinny ties and skinny trousers and he hangs with Tom Morello and wears ironically retro grandpa sweaters.

… Hipster Cop has also aroused suspicion among the protesters. Sure, he’s in line with many of their aesthetic sensibilities and as he told the Times, he pays 39 percent in taxes so he has “a lot in common” with Occupy Wall Street. But some protesters asked, should he be trusted? The movement has, after all, had their clashes with NYPD.
