May “H-Street” the Sitcom be Just as Creative

Flickr: Kate Mereand
Next week on H-Street, Mitch and his bowtie take in the Palace of Wonders, where the fire breathers inspire him to get heated!
The roles include some male and female characters in their 20s who are all D.C.-transplants. Some are out to save the world, others work on the Hill, and others are completely oblivious of politics and play kickball (!).
And one wears a bowtie while being abrasive! The City Paper is having some fun with this “news”:
Yes, the producers of H Street should be very publicly shamed for concocting such lazy stereotypes. Still, if they must go ahead with their show—and really, only if they must—we hope the first few episodes look something like this…
“Brad, late for his Ultimate game and straddling his Bianchi Pista, sends himself flying when his bike gets caught in streetcar tracks. His roommate Cammy, in a rare day off from phone-banking, helps him to the hospital, where he learns a valuable lesson about universal health care. He’s discharged, only to end up back in the emergency room after falling ill during a kickball game. He learns he has a rubber allergy, and despondent, heads to Charles’ bar, which, being packed with guilt-struck kickballers, is quickly destroyed by gentrification.”
They’ve invited their readers to post their own story ideas; my favorite is a Spike Lee parody starring an incontinent vagrant who inspires neighborhood activism. If the creators of “H-Street” are wise, they’ll steal any and all of such comedic gold.