Our Money, Their Power

From DCist, I learned that Republicans in the House want to prevent federal tax dollars from being used to pay for abortions…

…and they’ve included the District’s locally-raised tax dollars in that prohibition… that means that our local tax dollars — which have to go to Congress for final approval — are considered “federal” for the purposes of the prohibition. This is a restriction that Congress couldn’t easily make on any state, but given our status as the legislative body’s favorite colony, can be imposed on the District without any real consequences. Restrictions such as these had been in place before, but in late 2009, the Democratic Congress acted to lift them. The National Abortion Rights Action League has already condemned the proposal, calling it “an unfair restriction” that “would reimpose the ban on Washington, D.C.’s use of its own local funds for abortion for low-income women.”

But DCist commenter “Over the River” took issue with that characterization:

There is no question this is an emotional topic and you are entitled to your opinion. I also feel you are reading the NARAL incorrectly. The point they are making is a woman’s right to her body should not be limited to those who can independently afford an abortion. You have twisted the point of discussion to play a class game with reproductive rights.

Tough topic for a 5pm post on a Friday, but it struck me as important.