With a Bolt of Blue

Smithsonian's National Zoo

This gray afternoon calls for something bright and cute, don’t you think? How about a Black-Footed Ferret Kit? Yup, that’s what Ferret babies are called: “kits”. This kit’s pic is from our National Zoo’s Flickr stream. Here’s another interesting,  zoo-related fact– 25 years ago, they were almost extinct:

The Zoo has been breeding black-footed ferrets, one of North America’s rarest mammals, for more than 20 years to bring them back from the brink of extinction. In 1985, only 18 of these small mammals remained. Zoo scientists have played a key role in boosting the ferret population through innovative artificial insemination techniques and by developing ways to ease reintroductions into the wild. Now, more than 800 ferrets live in the wild, and hundreds more live at breeding facilities, including at the Zoo’s Front Royal campus.