Who doesn’t love coffee?

sean dreilinger

Ethiopian coffee beans. Yum.

Right after I mentioned D.C.’s Ethiopian community in an earlier post, someone sent me information (thank you!) about this neat opportunity to learn more about what may be America’s favorite Ethiopian product– coffee. The D.C. Public Library (West End branch) will be hosting a Coffee Ceremony this Saturday, from 10am until Noon:

The coffee ceremony is a tradition in Ethiopia, an East African country that is home of some of the world’s best coffee. Come see the beans being prepared, breathe in the aroma and savor free samples.

A narrator in traditional costume will explain the ceremony, as others demonstrate it and serve the brew. Enjoy coffee as you’ve never had it before, and learn about Ethiopian culture, too. Please join us, and bring your family and friends.

The D.C. area has 350,000 Ethiopian-Americans– far more than any other city in the country. They help put the “diverse” in D.C. One of my favorite things about this amazing place is the number of free cultural events that are available to enrich our lives, no matter our means. Please, feel free to send me information about similar events in the future.