Comments on: (Video) Race And Class Intersecting On H Street NE
Race, Class, The District.Mon, 16 Jul 2012 03:01:00 +0000hourly1 Natalie Hopkinson
Natalie HopkinsonFri, 13 Apr 2012 15:13:00 +0000 a longtime black middle class DC resident I was irritated by the comments from the white woman in the video who said these establishments cater to 'white middle class.' Also irritated she called the DC longtimers "lower class". Then I thought about it more and she is right. They do cater to "white" people. There are subtle and unsubtle ways they make you feel unwelcome because they make certain assumptions about your SES based on the fact that you are black. Even though my family eats out A LOT we are very careful to support places that support and welcome us. It used to be easier than it is now. But it is what it is. We have gotten some cool new spots out of a deal. As a longtime black middle class DC resident I was irritated by the comments from the white woman in the video who said these establishments cater to ‘white middle class.’ Also irritated she called the DC longtimers “lower class”. Then I thought about it more and she is right. They do cater to “white” people. There are subtle and unsubtle ways they make you feel unwelcome because they make certain assumptions about your SES based on the fact that you are black. Even though my family eats out A LOT we are very careful to support places that support and welcome us. It used to be easier than it is now. But it is what it is. We have gotten some cool new spots out of a deal.