Partying and Gentrifying

Washington Post columnist Courtland Milloy, known for referring to new D.C. residents as “myopic little twits” has officially joined the Twitterverse.

seriously, the main reason im on twitter is to track millennials & find out if they do anything in dc other than party and gentrify
Jul 30 via webFavoriteRetweetReply

  • SalParadise

    I’m surprised this kind of stereotyping is encouraged by DCentric.  Would it be tolerated for similar comments about DC’s African-American or Hispanic communities?

  • Anonymous

    Thanks for the comment. I wasn’t encouraging it, but rather posting something of interest/relates to race and class, that has also been noted by other media outlets. 

  • SalParadise

    Ok, thanks for the clarification.  I’m a regular DCentric reader, so keep up the good work!

  • Anonymous

    No problem — Thanks for reading!