Comments on: ‘Avoid the Ghetto’ App and Pegging Neighborhoods as Dangerous
Race, Class, The District.Mon, 16 Jul 2012 03:01:00 +0000hourly1 Smith
SmithSat, 19 May 2012 02:29:00 +0000'd rather be safe than politically correct. I can't wait for this App. I’d rather be safe than politically correct. I can’t wait for this App.
]]>By: Eeaea
EeaeaWed, 01 Feb 2012 00:54:00 +0000"
This app also lends credence to the labeling of neighborhoods as 'bad' areas such as S.E. DC or PG county simply because they have dense minority populations"
Right, it's because of phone apps and racist white people that these areas are considered 'bad'. Not because they actually have enormously high crime rates. What sort of mental gymnastics do you have to do to seriously write what you did?
This app also lends credence to the labeling of neighborhoods as ‘bad’ areas such as S.E. DC or PG county simply because they have dense minority populations”
Right, it’s because of phone apps and racist white people that these areas are considered ‘bad’. Not because they actually have enormously high crime rates. What sort of mental gymnastics do you have to do to seriously write what you did?
]]>By: Elahe Izadi
Elahe IzadiMon, 30 Jan 2012 14:08:00 +0000 you for pointing this out. I've updated the post to reflect the correction. Thank you for pointing this out. I’ve updated the post to reflect the correction.
]]>By: hb
hbMon, 30 Jan 2012 00:14:00 +0000 there is any useful, non-racialized pretext for this app, it is nullified by it highly pejorative name, as a previous commenter noted. if there is any useful, non-racialized pretext for this app, it is nullified by it highly pejorative name, as a previous commenter noted.
]]>By: Ward 7 resident
Ward 7 residentSat, 28 Jan 2012 00:33:00 +0000 of generalities, lack of information and might want to revise your statement about Ward 7 being near the 7th district police department by saying "a portion of Ward 7." As a Ward 7 resident that lives down the street from 6th District headquarters, I'd say you are overgeneralizing that all of East of the River is near 7th District police department. That's untrue. Such subtleties lend themselves to misinterpretation about EOR communities and policing. speaking of generalities, lack of information and stereotypes…you might want to revise your statement about Ward 7 being near the 7th district police department by saying “a portion of Ward 7.” As a Ward 7 resident that lives down the street from 6th District headquarters, I’d say you are overgeneralizing that all of East of the River is near 7th District police department. That’s untrue. Such subtleties lend themselves to misinterpretation about EOR communities and policing.
]]>By: Elijah405
Elijah405Fri, 27 Jan 2012 15:41:00 +0000, the whole term 'ghetto' has become a pejorative word for people of color in our popular lexicon now. I find it rather disgusting to hear people use the term 'ghetto' to describe anything in a negative light. This app also lends credence to the labeling of neighborhoods as 'bad' areas such as S.E. DC or PG county simply because they have dense minority populations. I can just hear the jokes now-'My app basically says not to drive through any parts of PG County lol!'. I think it's quite sad and shows we are not 'post-racial' as some pundits would like to suggest.Obviously, the whole term ‘ghetto’ has become a pejorative word for people of color in our popular lexicon now. I find it rather disgusting to hear people use the term ‘ghetto’ to describe anything in a negative light. This app also lends credence to the labeling of neighborhoods as ‘bad’ areas such as S.E. DC or PG county simply because they have dense minority populations. I can just hear the jokes now-’My app basically says not to drive through any parts of PG County lol!’. I think it’s quite sad and shows we are not ‘post-racial’ as some pundits would like to suggest.