Comments on: In Your Words– Psychology Today on Black Women and Beauty Race, Class, The District. Mon, 16 Jul 2012 03:01:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Agog Agog Thu, 07 Jul 2011 11:19:00 +0000 What's even more reprehensible is the quasi-scientific work by Kenneth & Mamie Clarke in this vein.  Next thing you know, Supreme Court decisions will get based on this horrid junk science! What’s even more reprehensible is the quasi-scientific work by Kenneth & Mamie Clarke in this vein.  Next thing you know, Supreme Court decisions will get based on this horrid junk science!

By: TINA TINA Wed, 25 May 2011 01:59:00 +0000 Well, unfortunately as a black woman, I agree that most bw are not as attractive as other races, but there are ends of the spectrum where I've thought some black women were breathtakingly beautiful.  On an average basis, women need some serious work.  Most could be more attractive than they are but it takes a lot of work and discipline  that they don't want to devote or they don't know how to go about it. Few are doomed to be ugly regardless of what they did. Well, unfortunately as a black woman, I agree that most bw are not as attractive as other races, but there are ends of the spectrum where I’ve thought some black women were breathtakingly beautiful.  On an average basis, yeah…black women need some serious work.  Most could be more attractive than they are but it takes a lot of work and discipline  that they don’t want to devote or they don’t know how to go about it. Few are doomed to be ugly regardless of what they did.

By: nandalal rasiah nandalal rasiah Thu, 19 May 2011 14:36:00 +0000 Surprisingly, or rather not since i'm a skeptic, it's "objectively' that is the major bomb-thrower in his column.  He essentially provided the evo pysch theoretical backbone to the results that chris coyne provided on race, messaging and gender in OkCupid's dataset.  Despite 'matching' on personality traits and views, black women were the least replied to and least messaged of all gender-race groupings.   So now Satoshi Kanazawa is a racist for his assumptions and retroactive adaption-fitting and Christian Rudder is still darling of the progressive set for his honesty about white people's racism.  Seems the idiot 'anti-racist' axis of "outrage, action, flatulence," is still in play. Surprisingly, or rather not since i’m a skeptic, it’s “objectively’ that is the major bomb-thrower in his column.  He essentially provided the evo pysch theoretical backbone to the results that chris coyne provided on race, messaging and gender in OkCupid’s dataset.  Despite ‘matching’ on personality traits and views, black women were the least replied to and least messaged of all gender-race groupings.   So now Satoshi Kanazawa is a racist for his assumptions and retroactive adaption-fitting and Christian Rudder is still darling of the progressive set for his honesty about white people’s racism.  Seems the idiot ‘anti-racist’ axis of “outrage, action, flatulence,” is still in play.
