Comments on: Spent: Choose Your Own Misadventure Race, Class, The District. Mon, 16 Jul 2012 03:01:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Alycia Alycia Mon, 14 Mar 2011 20:57:00 +0000 I liked the game. I think it didn't have public transportation options because the organization is based in Durham, where that isn't really an option. A lot of cities and towns aren't well connected with public transit, hell, Metro can't seem to get their act together most days. In my scenario, I ended up with a roomate, so I guess the Anonymous person, just wasn't presented that option. I made the best choices I could within the contstraints of the budget and still ended up with no gas, no car, no job and not enough money to pay the next month's rent by the end of the game. I liked the game. I think it didn’t have public transportation options because the organization is based in Durham, where that isn’t really an option. A lot of cities and towns aren’t well connected with public transit, hell, Metro can’t seem to get their act together most days.

In my scenario, I ended up with a roomate, so I guess the Anonymous person, just wasn’t presented that option. I made the best choices I could within the contstraints of the budget and still ended up with no gas, no car, no job and not enough money to pay the next month’s rent by the end of the game.

By: Anon Anon Mon, 07 Mar 2011 01:19:00 +0000 Given that the point of SPENT is that I start of poor it would have been nice if it had allowed me to, I don't know, work more than 40 hours, share the rent with a roommate, or take public transit. None of those things was allowed. Seemed rather forced, which I guess is the point - life is rigged. But it isn't. If poor choices didn't lead to bad outcomes, then they wouldn't be poor choices. Poor choices lead to consequences, and usually, though not always, consequences are the result of poor choices. Interesting game, I just disagree that this represents life. Given that the point of SPENT is that I start of poor it would have been nice if it had allowed me to, I don’t know, work more than 40 hours, share the rent with a roommate, or take public transit. None of those things was allowed. Seemed rather forced, which I guess is the point – life is rigged. But it isn’t. If poor choices didn’t lead to bad outcomes, then they wouldn’t be poor choices. Poor choices lead to consequences, and usually, though not always, consequences are the result of poor choices. Interesting game, I just disagree that this represents life.
