Comments on: A Tale of Two DCentric Comments Race, Class, The District. Mon, 16 Jul 2012 03:01:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Singularity2030 Singularity2030 Thu, 13 Jan 2011 07:15:00 +0000 "Minorities would be better off concentrating less energy on how to be just like wonderful, glowy, sparkling, magical, white people and more energy on respecting their common struggles." The author of this statement makes the assumption that Indian Americans have more in common (culturally? socially? financially?) with minorities in this country than they do with the majority. Based on......? “Minorities would be better off concentrating less energy on how to be just like wonderful, glowy, sparkling, magical, white people and more energy on respecting their common struggles.”

The author of this statement makes the assumption that Indian Americans have more in common (culturally? socially? financially?) with minorities in this country than they do with the majority.

Based on……?

By: American RogueDC American RogueDC Wed, 12 Jan 2011 20:16:00 +0000 There is NO such thing as "olive complexion." More remnants of the fear and loathing attributed to Brown & Black skin people. What’s next “khaki colored complexion; a bit tawny perhaps? There are No green people (ref. olive complexion). (post to blog - The emotionally/intellectually deceitful and delusional sleight of hand which allows “a people” to buy into the concept of “olive complexion,” reveals an insecurity that is deep-seated; an Achilles heel in their collective self-esteem. What should one make of “a people” who have to make their characteristics the definition of positive qualities/features (hair, teeth, complexion, and their history)? What should someone make of “a people” who actively and repeatedly look askance to the achievements of other people who do not look like them; actually take credit for these achievements in some cases? In other cases, “these people” actively and repeatedly suppress these achievements through omission. All the while, “these people” spend enormous amounts of time, money and emotional energy attempting to acquire the characteristics they “supposedly” despise – e.g. padded undergarments for round bottoms. “These people” will actually endanger their health in these attempts (tanning salons, injections for fuller features). “These people” are all agog when someone fairly (pun intended) resembling them has these features (Kyra Sedgwick; Jennifer Lopez etc). What should one make of such “a people”? There is NO such thing as “olive complexion.” More remnants of the fear and loathing attributed to Brown & Black skin people. What’s next “khaki colored complexion; a bit tawny perhaps? There are No green people (ref. olive complexion).
(post to blog –

The emotionally/intellectually deceitful and delusional sleight of hand which allows “a people” to buy into the concept of “olive complexion,” reveals an insecurity that is deep-seated; an Achilles heel in their collective self-esteem. What should one make of “a people” who have to make their characteristics the definition of positive qualities/features (hair, teeth, complexion, and their history)? What should someone make of “a people” who actively and repeatedly look askance to the achievements of other people who do not look like them; actually take credit for these achievements in some cases? In other cases, “these people” actively and repeatedly suppress these achievements through omission. All the while, “these people” spend enormous amounts of time, money and emotional energy attempting to acquire the characteristics they “supposedly” despise – e.g. padded undergarments for round bottoms. “These people” will actually endanger their health in these attempts (tanning salons, injections for fuller features). “These people” are all agog when someone fairly (pun intended) resembling them has these features (Kyra Sedgwick; Jennifer Lopez etc). What should one make of such “a people”?

By: American RogueDC American RogueDC Fri, 07 Jan 2011 00:39:00 +0000 I hope this website makes an earnest attempt to seriously define the various touchstones attributed generally to a culture and how they relate to the District of Columbia in particular. Race/Ethnicity and the dynamic of inter and intra self acceptance and self loathing are but “small” parts of the District’s past, present and future. I hope this website makes an earnest attempt to seriously define the various touchstones attributed generally to a culture and how they relate to the District of Columbia in particular. Race/Ethnicity and the dynamic of inter and intra self acceptance and self loathing are but “small” parts of the District’s past, present and future.
