Comments on: A Gay Foster Child in D.C. Race, Class, The District. Mon, 16 Jul 2012 03:01:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anonymous Anonymous Thu, 21 Oct 2010 12:33:00 +0000 Thanks for your point of view, Anonymous. Thanks for your point of view, Anonymous.

By: Anonymous Anonymous Tue, 19 Oct 2010 18:45:00 +0000 I would take a child like this in if I were a foster parent, but I'm not, and probably most foster families are not as open minded as I am. One thing I feel is missing in American culture is discipline and conformity amongst minors. By spoiling our kids and teaching them that no matter what, they "deserve" to be accepted or even lavished with adoration, we are doing them a disservice. This youngster has a sense of entitlement. If as a minor who is dependent on adults for his/her wellbeing s/he is unable to tweak a small part of his/her "personal expression" like refraining from wearing cosmetics at least until legal adulthood, then somewhere along the line he or she has been misguided. When s/he is on his/her own and fending for his/herself, then s/he can pile on the makeup as much as s/he likes as well as join a LGBT support group. But until then I say a little conformity would hurt him/her, just has it has not hurt me. I would take a child like this in if I were a foster parent, but I’m not, and probably most foster families are not as open minded as I am.

One thing I feel is missing in American culture is discipline and conformity amongst minors. By spoiling our kids and teaching them that no matter what, they “deserve” to be accepted or even lavished with adoration, we are doing them a disservice.

This youngster has a sense of entitlement. If as a minor who is dependent on adults for his/her wellbeing s/he is unable to tweak a small part of his/her “personal expression” like refraining from wearing cosmetics at least until legal adulthood, then somewhere along the line he or she has been misguided.

When s/he is on his/her own and fending for his/herself, then s/he can pile on the makeup as much as s/he likes as well as join a LGBT support group.

But until then I say a little conformity would hurt him/her, just has it has not hurt me.
